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Wade Robson

The Articles will be placed in the Blue area after the Oprah story. Please note they are links to the stories!

From Oprah show

Teenagers with Very Cool After School Jobs
Rhythm Maker

"I sit myself down and say, 'look, appreciate everything that's going on because it's absolutely incredible'....it still trips me out at the end of the day I get a check for it." Wade

This 18-year-old choreographer makes sure that bands like N'Sync and Britney Spears don't miss a beat. His dancing first found the stage when he was five years old he won a Michael Jackson dance contest and did the moonwalk in front of Michael and over 25,000 fans. At 12, Wade Robson was teaching dancing classes; at 14, he had his first job as a choreographer, and at 16, he was working with Britney Spears on her first tour.

Tearin' Up the Dance Floor with N'Sync
Wade's most challenging work has been with N' Sync. He's the director, choreographer, music contributor and more of their recent Pop Odyssey World Tour.

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