| Basicly I have no pictures of Wade myself. So all the pictures on my site will have come from a different site, credit will be given to where ever I got the pictures from! Please do not take photos without giving them the proper credit. On this page are pictures i have collect over the past year. I don't know where excactly I got them, so if any of these pictures are yours please let me know so I can give you credit! :) 


I don't know who this chick is but it was a cute and good picture of Wade! :) |
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For more pictures click the link below! Wade Pictures When you click on Wade Pictures it takes you to Abby's WADEified website! she has a lot of good pics so i though instead of saving them all and uploading i'd just give you the link to her site! if you wanna view her whole site please go to the link section! its posted there! :) 